500+ English Irregular Verbs List PDF

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Here, we will share 500+ English Irregular Verbs List PDF with you, which you can download for free using the direct download link below in this post.

If you are looking for a list of irregular verbs then this post would definitely be handy for you, as you will get more than 500 irregular verbs in the pdf, shared in this post.

500+ English Irregular Verbs List PDF

PDF NameEnglish Irregular Verbs List PDF
No. of Pages4
PDF Size62 kb

English Irregular Verbs List

  • arise
  • awake
  • be
  • bear
  • beat
  • become
  • begin
  • bend
  • bet
  • bid
  • bind
  • bite
  • bleed
  • blow
  • break
  • breed
  • bring
  • broadcast
  • build
  • burn
  • burst
  • buy
  • can
  • cast
  • catch
  • choose
  • cling
  • come
  • cost
  • creep
  • cut
  • deal
  • dig
  • do
  • draw
  • dream
  • drink
  • drive
  • dwell
  • eat
  • fall
  • feed
  • feel
  • fight
  • find
  • fit
  • flee
  • fling
  • fly
  • forbid
  • forget
  • forgive
  • forsake
  • freeze
  • get
  • give
  • go
  • grind
  • grow
  • hang
  • have
  • hear
  • hide
  • hit
  • hold
  • hurt
  • keep
  • kneel
  • knit
  • know
  • lay
  • lead
  • lean
  • leap
  • learn
  • leave
  • lend
  • let
  • lie
  • light
  • lose
  • make
  • mean
  • meet
  • melt
  • mislead
  • mistake
  • mow
  • overcome
  • overdo
  • overtake
  • pay
  • plead
  • prove
  • put
  • quit
  • read
  • rid
  • ride
  • ring
  • rise
  • run
  • saw
  • say
  • see
  • seek
  • sell
  • send
  • set
  • sew
  • shake
  • shave
  • shear
  • shed
  • shine
  • shoot
  • show
  • shrink
  • shut
  • sing
  • sink
  • sit
  • slay
  • sleep
  • slide
  • sling
  • smell
  • sneak
  • sow
  • speak
  • speed
  • spell
  • spend
  • spill
  • spin
  • spit
  • split
  • spoil
  • spread
  • spring
  • stand
  • steal
  • stick
  • sting
  • stink
  • stride
  • strike
  • string
  • strive
  • swear
  • sweep
  • swell
  • swim
  • swing
  • take
  • teach
  • tear
  • tell
  • think
  • thrive
  • throw
  • thrust
  • tread
  • understand
  • undertake
  • upset
  • wake
  • wear
  • weave
  • wed
  • weep
  • weigh
  • will
  • wind
  • win
  • withdraw
  • withhold
  • withstand
  • work
  • wring
  • write
  • arise
  • backslide
  • beget
  • behold
  • beseech
  • beset
  • bet

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